12/14/24 Annual dues letter to be mailed at the end of the month. Payment due by January 31st to to avoid late fees
07/10/24 The HOA is looking for volunteers for Board members! We currently have need for a Secretary and 2 Directors. Time commitment is less than 10 hours for the year! Please contact the Board if interested.
How do I report issues to the City of Joliet?
You can download and use the app CitizenVUE, which is available in the App Store and Google Play. You can also report it at the City of Joliet website.
What gets reported to the City of Joliet via CitizenVUE instead of the HOA?
There is a list of over 50 different non-emergency issues the City handles. For example, grass over 8 inches tall, shrubs or trees blocking sidewalks, potholes, problems with street signs or lights, issues with storm sewers, the need for street sweeping, etc.