When is the Yearly Assessment due:
January 31st of each year. A late fee of $50 will be added on February 1st for any unpaid bill. Bills not paid in full by March 31st will be sent to collections.
Why do we need ponds and fountains? Just for the looks?
No. The ponds are required by ordinance for rain overflow and to prevent flooding in the Association. The fountains keep the water moving so that algae does not grow.
Where do I get a building or fence permit?
Permits are issued by the City of Joliet. See their website for information. Once a permit is issued, it must be submitted to the HOA board for approval.
What municipal codes apply to Summerfield? https://library.municode.com/il/joliet/codes/code_of_ordinances
Can I rent my property?
Yes, but you need to follow some guidelines. You need to file the lease agreement, complete with renter’s contact information, with the Association. You can find the details in the Rules & Regulations here on the website. You also need to follow the rules set out in the Joliet ordinance, which is found at www.joliet.gov/RentalOwnerRegistration.
What is the Joliet website?
https://www.joliet.gov/ This has information about yard waste, garbage, permits and forms, water and sewage, hazardous waste removal, animal control and so much more!
What gets reported to the City of Joliet via CitizenVUE instead of the HOA?
Grass over 8 inches tall, shrubs or trees blocking sidewalks, potholes, problems with street signs or lights, issues with storm sewers, the need for street sweeping, etc.
How do I report these to the City of Joliet?
You can download and use the app CitizenVUE, which is available in the App Store and Google Play. You can also report it at the City of Joliet website.
How often are Homeowners Member Meetings?
A Homeowners Member Meeting is required once a year in Illinois. This year we are having our Member Meeting on June 4th, 2025 at Joliet Library off Black Rd from 6:30pm-7:30pm.
How often are Board Meetings?
The Summerfield HOA Board meets 4 times a year. The next meeting will be March 6th, 2025 at Scates’ house at 11am
Can Members attend Board Meetings?
Yes. However, the only time you can speak up during the quarterly board meetings is during an optional allotted time at the end of the meeting if time allows. The board meetings have a set of rigid procedures and protocol meeting standards that need to be followed.